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Given $n$ number of linearly ordered distinct elements, what will be the worst case time complexity to find

$p$-th smallest element $(1 \leq p \leq n)$ from these $n$ elements when $n > 50$?

  1. $O(n \log n)$
  2. $O(n^2)$
  3. $O(n)$
  4. $O(\log n)$
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3 Answers

Best answer
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4 votes
Build a min - heap of these n elements in O(n) time. Then to find pth smallest element it takes p(p-1)/2 comparisons i.e. constant time. So overall O(n).
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answer should be log N bcoz it is given in question that array is sorted . so to find any element we can apply binary search.   will it works??
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I Googled "linearly ordered" and it resulted in it meaning a TOSET. I don't know how a total order would be applicable here, tbh. If "linearly ordered" means "sorted" in an array here, then we can use random access and get the pth element in $O(1)$time. That isn't in the options.

Here's what I think is the answer.

Extracting the minimum element is what heap is for. So, build a min heap in $O(n)$ time.

After that extract the minimum element p times. Each such extraction would invoke heapify, and cost us $O(logn)$ time.

So, Time Complexity would be $O(n + plogn)$

In the worst case, p = n. So, $O(n + nlogn)$

=> $O(nlogn)$

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