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15 votes
15 votes
Consider a system which has a CPU bound process,which require the burst time of 40 seconds.The multilevel Feed Back Queue scheduling algorithm is used and the queue time quantum '2' seconds and in each level it is incremented by '5' seconds.Then how many times the process will be interrupted and on which queue the process will terminate the execution?

(a) 5,4  (b) 4,5 (c) 3,4  (d) 4,3

4 Answers

Best answer
16 votes
16 votes

Process P needs 40 Seconds for total execution. 
Multilevel Feedback queue:
Queue1 = 2
Queue2 = 7  (2+5)
Queue3 = 12 (7+5)
Queue4 = 17 (12+5)
Queue5 = 2  (left time)

hence you can see process is interrupted 4 times, and on 5th qeueue 
process completed its execution.
Hence, (b) is correct option


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1 votes
1 votes
level 1==> 40-2=38(interrupted)

level 2==> 38-(2+5)=31(interrupted)

level 3==> 31-(2+5+5)=19(interrupted)

level 4==>19-(2+5+5+5)=2(interrupted)

level 5==>2<(2+5+5+5+5) so terminate successfully.

so total interrupt=4 ,and process will terminate at 5th queue
0 votes
0 votes
l1     TQ=2sec(2units of job done)

l2     TQ=(2+5=7sec)(2+7=9 units of job done)

l3     TQ=(7+5=12sec)(9+12=21 units of job done)

l4     TQ=(12+5=17sec)(21+17=38 units of job done)

l5     TQ=(17+5=22sec)(38+22=60 units of job can be done but we are remaining with 2 units of job hence it will run only for 2sec)

no. of interrupts =4

ie. from l1 to l2 =1

     from l2 to l3 =2

     from l3 to l4 =3

     from l4 to l5 =4

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Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float-string "1693384241.679" to int loses precision in /var/www/html/qadb/qa-include/app/format.php on line 796

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Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float-string "1693384241.679" to int loses precision in /var/www/html/qadb/qa-include/app/format.php on line 803
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