in Programming in C
3 votes
3 votes
in Programming in C

2 Answers

7 votes
7 votes

min = n

max = $2^n -1$

1 comment

I think you are correct, but everywhere it is answered that minimum size is 2n -1.

But how that is possible.

Please verify the sources and confirm.

This question is similar to a 1 mark question in gate 2006

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0 votes
First when we say minimum size required we have to consider the worst case. Minimum size of an array to store 'n' nodes is 2n−1. Now coming to max size, there is nothing like max size... Max size can be anything more than 2n−1.. Even we can take very very huge size of an array and there does not exist an upper bound on that.
SO Min Size = 2n−1.
Max size = > 2n−1.