in Algorithms
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Given a set of sorted files f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 of lengths 99,27,71,199,259 we need to merge these files into a single sorted file Using Optimal Merge Pattern.
in Algorithms

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Here, you can relate it with the Huffman's coding. Try solving as if these file length are the frequencies for the character (there,Huffman coding).

You can draw the Huffman tree & then the sum of all all nodes (consider nodes which are the result of sum of two file length) will give the optimal merge complexity.


1 Answer

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According to optimal merge pattern we take two minimal and merge it so given sequence is:

f1 99
f2 27
f3 71
f4 199
f5 259

we arrange sequence in ascending order

f2, f3, f1, f4, f5

M1: Merge f2 and f3 :: 27+71 = 98

M2: Merge  M1 and  f1 :: 98+99 = 197

M3: Merge M2 and f4:: 197+199 = 396

M4 Merge M3 and f5:: 396+259 = 655

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