in Set Theory & Algebra edited by
8 votes
8 votes

Let $A, B$ be sets. Let $\bar{A}$ denote the compliment of set $A$ (with respect to some fixed universe), and $( A - B)$ denote the set of elements in $A$ which are not in $B$. Set $(A - (A - B))$ is equal to:

  1. $B$
  2. $A\cap \bar{B}$
  3. $A - B$
  4. $A\cap B$
  5. $\bar{B}$
in Set Theory & Algebra edited by

1 comment

@Arjun sir on the GO PDF, option B looks like option D. Can you fix this for future copies ? See the screenshot


3 Answers

14 votes
14 votes
Best answer
$(A - (A - B)) = A ∩ (A ∩ B')'  $  Since $A-B=A∩B'$

                  $=$ $A ∩ (A' U B) $     Since $(A∩B)'$ = $A'UB'  $

                  $=$ $A ∩ B$ Option $D$
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3 votes
3 votes

I hope this might be useful

1 vote
1 vote

(A - (A - B)) = A - (AB') = A(AB')'  = A(A'+B) = AB = A∩B

Option (D) A∩B , is the correct answer.

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