in Analytical Aptitude edited by
9 votes
9 votes

Four siblings go shopping with their father. If Abhay gets shoes, then Asha does not get a necklace. If Arun gets a T-shirt, then Aditi gets bangles. If Abhay does not get shoes or Aditi gets bangles, the mother will be happy. Which of the following is TRUE?

  1. If the mother is happy, then Aditi got bangles.
  2. If Aditi got bangles, then Abhay got shoes.
  3. If the mother is not happy, then Asha did not get a necklace and Arun did not get a T-shirt.
  4. None of the above.
in Analytical Aptitude edited by

2 Answers

16 votes
16 votes
Best answer

Let's name the events:

$\mathbf{S}$ = Abhay gets shoes

$\mathbf{N}$ = Asha gets a necklace

$\mathbf{T}$ = Arun gets a T-shirt

$\mathbf{B}$ = Aditi gets bangles

$\mathbf{M}$ = Mother is happy.

Now understanding the questions in a logical way:

NOTE: "if p, then q" is equivalent to writing: $p \rightarrow \ q$

If Abhay gets shoes, then Asha does not get a necklace.

This can be written as:

$\mathbf{S \rightarrow \ \sim N }$

If Arun gets a T-shirt, then Aditi gets bangles. 

$\mathbf{T \rightarrow \ B }$

If Abhay does not get shoes or Aditi gets bangles, the mother will be happy. 

$\mathbf{(\sim S \vee B) \rightarrow \ M }$

We have to see that what can be inferred from these three statements.

Now looking at the options:

  1. If the mother is happy, then Aditi got bangles.
    $M \rightarrow \ B $
    This can not be inferred because it might be the case that Aditi does not get bangles, but the mother is still happy.
  2. If Aditi got bangles, then Abhay got shoes.
    $B \rightarrow \ S $
    This also can not be inferred. It can be that Aditi got bangles, but Abhay does not get shoes.
  3. If the mother is not happy, then Asha did not get a necklace and Arun did not get a T-shirt.
    $\sim M \rightarrow \ (\sim N \ \wedge \sim T) $
    This can be inferred as follows:
    We have: $(\sim S \vee B) \rightarrow \ M$
    Contrapositive of this is: $\sim M \rightarrow \ \sim (\sim S \vee B)$
    $\ \ =\ \sim M \rightarrow \ (S \wedge \sim B)$    ----- $(1)$
    We also have: $S \rightarrow \ \sim N$ ----- $(2)$,
    And: $T \rightarrow \ B$
    whose contrapositive is: $\sim B \rightarrow \ \sim T$ ----- $(3)$
    From $(1), (2)$ and $(3)$ we can conclude:
    $\sim M \rightarrow \ (\sim N \ \wedge \sim T) $

Hence, the correct option should be (C)

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1 comment

didnt get C part
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