in Mathematical Logic retagged by
77 votes
77 votes

Consider the first-order logic sentence

$$\varphi \equiv \exists \: s \: \exists \: t \: \exists \: u \: \forall \: v \: \forall \: w \forall \: x \: \forall \: y \: \psi(s, t, u, v, w, x, y)$$

where $\psi(s, t, u, v, w, x, y, )$ is a quantifier-free first-order logic formula using only predicate symbols, and possibly equality, but no function symbols. Suppose $\varphi$ has a model with a universe containing $7$ elements.

Which one of the following statements is necessarily true?

  1. There exists at least one model of $\varphi$ with universe of size less than or equal to $3$
  2. There exists no model of $\varphi$ with universe of size less than or equal to $3$
  3. There exists no model of $\varphi$ with universe size of greater than $7$
  4. Every model of $\varphi$ has a universe of size equal to $7$
in Mathematical Logic retagged by


I havenot got, what u mean here.

Still in predicate logic it is impossible to write a -ve sentence without any negation.

Can anyone explain in the question that what is meant by "possibly equality, but no function symbols", does it mean predicate symbols can be same?
In the Question it is clearly mentioned that ¢(s,t,u,v,w,x,y) is a logic formula that does not use any function symbol so in place of v,w,x,y we can't take empty set.

3 Answers

169 votes
169 votes
Best answer

Answer - A.

Quick logic review - 

$\alpha : \forall x \exists y \hspace{.5em}y<x$

Is $\alpha$ true for domain of all integers ?, Yes it is true. You pick any number $x$, I can always give you $y$ that is less than your number $x$. 

Is $\alpha$ true for domain of  Non Negative integers $\{0, 1,2,3,\dots\}$ ? No,  it is not true. (You pick any number $x$) If you pick $0$ then I can not give you $y$ which is less than $0$.

Definition of $\text{Model }$ - Domain for which my sentence is true. For above sentence $\alpha$, all integers is model and there can be many other models, like -  real numbers.

(Definition of $\text{Co Model }$- Domain for which my sentence is False.)

Given that  Predicate $\Phi \equiv \exists s \exists t \exists u \forall v \forall w \forall x \forall y   \Psi (s,t,u,v,w,x,y)$ has a model with universe containing $7$ elements. I.e.  there is a domain with 7 elements which satisfies my  $\Phi$ .

Now let $\Phi \equiv \exists s \exists t \exists u \forall v \forall w \forall x \forall y  \hspace{.5em} s+t+u+v+w+x+y \gt 200$. Can you suggest me a set (domain) that is model for $\Phi$ ?. (i.e. the domain for which you can satisfy $\Phi$ ).

 $\{10,20,30,40,50,60,100\}$, now if I choose $s=50$, $t=60$ and $u=100$ $^{[1]}$ and let anyone choose values of $v, w ,x \text{ and } y$ then $\Phi$ is always satisfiable for any values (or write like this - for all values) of $v, w,x \text{ and } y$ . The key point is you have to choose values of $ s ,t \text{ and } u$ carefully and once you fix these values then it should work for all remaining universal quantifiers values.

Actually I have problem with first element of set "$10$". Can I remove it and the resultant set will still work as model ?  $\{20,30,40,50,60,100\}$, Of course this is model for $\Phi$ (Why ? - take $s=50, t=60$ and $u=100$ and let any other variable value be anything).

Similarly, $\{50,60,100\}$ is also model for $\Phi$. 

Idea is once you have your $\bf{s, t \text{ and } u}$ in set then that set is model (because remaining quantifiers can take any value).

Even the singleton set $\{100\}$ is also model for $\Phi$.

Now there is always one model of universe size $3$, and depending on your predicate you can have model of less than size $3$ too (like above singleton set).

$^1$ $s=t=u=100$ also works.

Now, Lets generalize this for better understanding-

let $\Phi$ has following model of size $7-  \{e_1,e_2,e_3,e_4,e_5,e_6,e_7\}$, and let $s=e_2, t=e_5, u=e_1$ is the only setting which works for any (for all) values of $v,w,x \text{ and }y$, then Can we reduce model size ?- Yes, we can have a model of size $3\;\{e_1,e_2,e_5\}$. Can we reduce size further ?- We can not ( Because $s=e_2, t=e_5, u=e_1$ is the only setting which works for any value of $v,w,x,y)$. But if $s = t$ or $t = u,$ we can even have a model of size less than $3.$

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Can someone please explain to me what would be the changes if this – 

using only predicate symbols, and possibly equality, but no function symbols

was not given?  


@Deepak Poonia sir there is a slight typing error

let anyone choose values of v,w,x and y then Φ is always satisfiable for any values (or write like this - for all values) of v,w,x and y.

Sir it will be w, instead of u.


@sandmuk754 I think, because the universe size for the model can also be >7 however, we need to carefully choose 3 compulsory elements (s, t, and u) from it that can serve as a model for the given predicate (meaning, satisfy the given predicate).

71 votes
71 votes

Answer: A 
A formula is satisfiable for some interpretation then such interpretation is called a model.

Now it is given that for universe of size 7 there is a model. That means there is an interpretation where this formula is true.


Sir please explain how option c is false.

@manisha11 It's the worst if you know the concept. Studying such can get you negative marks in GATE. 


@Kiran Kumar Pasupule
=3 is possible no?
<3 agreed isn't possible.
Kindly help here

Nice 1 kiran sir.
8 votes
8 votes

For empty set universal quantifiers are always true while existential quantifier are always false
hence there exist at least one model with 3 elements
as it is given equality is also possible hence model is also possible for less than three elements.

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answer may be 'b'

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