in IIITs
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Hello @Arjun Sir,

I am 25 years old. Right after my graduation in 2015 I had joined job. As I was not happy with the kind of jobs in service based companies and had an urge to join IITs for Mtech, I left my job and attempted GATE 2018. But my scores turn to be around 40 only which I realise is not enough to get into IITs. Is it advisible to prepare and attempt GATE 2019 considering my age and the GAP between my graduation?

I had not taken any coaching this year, will that be required if I a attempting again?
in IIITs

1 Answer

–2 votes
–2 votes

how your financial condition?

if good then you only try for gate  to IIT. But join any coaching like as GATEFORUM LIVE etc or RVR free video....

but practice need more nearly about 4000 problem.

if it is not good then you join job like as teacher and teach or any type job in which you are free . and remaining time apply to your study .you join from GATEFORUM LIVE etc or RVR free video.

it is  beneficial for you!!

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