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Do the GATEOverflow pdf books contain ALL the pervious year questions? Some questions are missing. I need to know whether or not to buy a question bank.
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Dont buy any question bank . If you are unable to use pdf its better you buy printed hard copy version of GO , i myself bought hard copy . GO pdf give not only the question but also try to explain same question in different scenarios . If you dont understand u have links  beside the question which u can use to ask doubts on gate overflow.
How to get a hard copy bro?

i actually got hardcopy from GO , but now its not available . If not you can take from this site their costs are reasonable .


2 Answers

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Best answer

Yes, All the previous years in the sense

  1. All questions from 1987 to 2017
  2. 5 IT papers from 2004-08 (many PSU exams copy from here)
  3. Other branch Aptitude questions
  4. TFIR, ISI, CMI questions
  5. Currently out-of-syllabus topics are excluded

In the new book which should come by April end, 2018 questions will also be included. Not a guarantee but if possible some standard book questions might also be included.

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if standard book questions are also added with links to discuss on gate overflow that would be very helpful to aspirants .
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There are a lot of questions that have not come in the exam ever but use the concept coming in exam ..

This means they are relevant i need to go through such questions or not Go through means?

If they are relevant you should be knowing how to solve them.

Now if you know how to solve there is no need to solve every question - just enough solving to ensure no boredom.

Preparing for gate is really very extensive Around 10 subjects in extensive. But if you study properly and in correct way it is enjoyable and fun….

By the time you start practicing full length papers you should have covered all possible type of questions that can be asked (in normal sense) and all portions….

i don't wanna waste my time on irrelevant things Spending more time on standard books is always worth. But once you get hold of a topic then you can skip….

I am pretty much clear on theory part though it is just about solving numericals Thats what most people think after bachelors….

But if you can't solve numericals in GATE, 90% of time it is due to lack of proper theory….

When you read a book you won't be getting exactly what the author meant- that's why they put exercise questions so that one gets completely thorough with the topics….

Usually the '*' (difficult) questions are not needed for GATE but one can try them if interested...

Prev. year GATE questions are a good idea for what and how questions will be asked....












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