in Set Theory & Algebra retagged by
78 votes
78 votes

Consider the set of all functions $f:\{0,1, \dots,2014\} \to \{0,1,\dots, 2014\}$ such that $ f\left(f\left(i\right)\right)=i$, for all  $0 \leq i \leq 2014$. Consider the following statements:

$P$. For each such function it must be the case that for every $i,f(i) = i$.

$Q$. For each such function it must be the case that for some $i,f(i)=i$.

$R$. Each function must be onto.

Which one of the following is CORRECT?

  1. $P, Q$ and $R$ are true
  2. Only $Q$ and $R$ are true
  3. Only $P$ and $Q$ are true
  4. Only $R$ is true
in Set Theory & Algebra retagged by




@GO Classes , @Deepak Poonia  Please sir explain 


6 Answers

105 votes
105 votes
Best answer
Let $f(i) = j$. Now, we have $f(j) = i$, as per the given condition $f(f(i)) = i$.

For any $i \neq j$, we can have a mapping $f(i) = j, f(j) = i$ thus avoiding the condition $f(i) = i$. But since the domain set contains odd number of elements, at least for one element we must have $f(i) = i$. So, Q must be TRUE.

Since $f(i) = j$ and $f(j) = i$, and since $0 \leq i \leq 2014$ $i$ must take all 2015 possible values (since $f$ is a function, it must have a value for any element in the domain). We can easily see that $f(i)$ cannot be the same for two different $i$s- because suppose $f(2) = 5$, and $f(3) = 5$. Now as per given condition, $f(5) = 2$ and $f(5) = 3$, which is not allowed in a function. So, all $f(i)$ values are unique $\implies$ co-domain $=$ range as there are only $2015$ values in co-domain. So, R is true.

An identity function satisfies the given conditions. But that alone cant prove that P is true. We can also have a different function where all even numbers maps to the next odd number and all odd numbers map to the previous even number which satisfies the given conditions, except the last one as we have odd number in set. i.e.,
$f(0) = 1, f(1) = 0, f(2) = 3, f(3) = 2 \dots, f(2013) = 2012,  f(2014) = 2014$.

This proves, P is false.

So, (B) is the answer.
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how to get THIS thought in exam?
where to practice these questions on fns from?

"We can also have a different function where all even numbers maps to the next odd number and all odd numbers map to the previous even number"
This is like an algorithm question. We do not need an exact proof or counter example in exam- as long as we see a counter example is there we can go for the choice. Such questions are asked many times in previous GATE..
Sir , I didn't understand the first two lines of your answer. I think Q would be true here as we have odd no of elements in domain. if we were given (1-2014) as domain we do not need to have f(i)=i for any element. So in this case Q will be false. Am I right?
@Hardi Yes, that's the exact reason :)
Had the total number of elements in the set considered been even like say {1,2,3,...,2014}, then Q would have been false because we could have a function where the mapping would have been like





.  1007-> 1008

Is this correct ?
Two functions $f$ and $g$ are inverse of each other iff $f\circ g(x) = g\circ f(x) = x$.

Using this we can say that given function $f$ is inverse of itself. i.e. $f(x)=f^{-1}(x)$.
That means if $f(1)=2$ then $f(2)=1$. In genral if $f(i)=j$ then $f(j)=i$.
Likewise, I will pair each 2 elements. but one value will be left out (total values are odd), therefore I have to pair it with itself i.e.  $f(i)=i$ for some i.
good explanation

I could not understand why P is false. Please explain again
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Since domain has 0..2014 and f(f(i))=i . means whatever in the domain is needed in the range 0..2014.Now as range becaomes same as codomain. Hence onto.Is this correct reasoning to prove is onto?@Arjun sir?

Actually i did not understand how you prove it onto:(

I think if we see that if is is not onto,means some i from 0..2014 is not in output which cannot be the case

In you example above,even if the counter example you gave hold, f(2)=5f(2)=5, and f(3)=5,how can you prove it is not onto?

Demystifying Arjun's explanation on "why each function must be onto":

1) Let f(i) = j. Now we have f(j) = i , as per the given condition f(f(i)) = i.

2) Since, f(i) = j  for 0 $\leq$ i $\leq$ 2014,

          => i must take all 2015 possible values.   

        (why?     ---   Recall,as per the definition of the function, each element in the domain

                             must be mapped to some element in  the codomain. )

3) From the definition of the function, we know that

                   this is not allowed.




4) As per the given condition,

                   this is not allowed.




(Why??  ---- Let's take an example:    let f(2) = 3 and f(5) = 3   and f(3) = 2 

                                           then,      f( f(2) )  = f( 3) = 2   (which is ok)

                                            but        f ( f(5) )  = f(3) = 2   (violation of the given condition.)

                                                          ( as per given condtion,  f (f(5) ) should be 5 )


//Refer pt. 3 if you are wondering why f(3) = 2 and f(3) = 5 both can't be true.

5) Taking conditions mentioned in pt. 3 and pt. 4 into consideration, only possibility left is of one-to-one mapping.

6) So, this is what we know:

             domain has 2015 elements.

             Codomain has 2015 elements.

             only one-to-one mapping is allowed.

              Do you smell bijection??

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sir i dont think option Q is necessary 

here is counter example

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In your example:

f( f(1) ) = f(3) = 2

i.e. the condition f( f(i) ) = i, doesnot holds.

Actually, you have applied 2 functions in your example.

    /\                    /\                   /\ 

/ 1   \     f1       / 1  \     f2      / 1  \      

| 2   |  -------> | 2   |  ------->|  2  |

\ 3  /               \ 3 /                 \ 3 /

  \/                     \/                    \/

 as per your example:       f2( f1(1) ) = f2( 3) = 1

But we have to apply a single function say f1 twice:


    /\                    /\  

/ 1   \     f 1       / 1  \         

| 2   |  -------> | 2   |  

\ 3  /               \ 3 /                

  \/                     \/                   

see as per your example  f1 ( f1 ( 1) )  = f1( 3) = 2

i.e. Condition f( f(i) ) means something like this:


1  ---------->3



f( f(1) ) = f(3) = 1

f( f(3) ) = f(1) = 3

f( f(2) = f(2) = 2

thank you for clarification

Can anybody tell why mapping should be like 

" all even numbers maps to the next odd number and all odd numbers map to the previous even number"

Why it cant be random like f(0)=10 and f(10)=0 ??

Yes I smell  bijection as ff(i) = i

It means  function  is invertible here that implies bijection hence  on to
I think  it would  be valid  for random number as well but they would  exist in pairs as numbers are odd for at least one f(i) = I would  be there

For each such function it must be the case that for some i,f(i)=i

Q say for each such function it should hold.what if I map each element i to (i+1) mod 2015? This function does not follow Q as for every i will be mapped to j such that (i != j).

plz help :( 



see the above comment of

what will be the differnce between

f(f(i)) and f1(f2(i))


Need one clarification for option A) what if we map 0 to 0, 1 to 1, 2 to 2 ....2014 to 2014. In that case f(f(i))=is satisfying and for every i, f(i) = i also.....

, yes but p is not necessary.

without p also we can achieve that.

I understood the explanation given above but I have one doubt.

Generally speaking, if f(x)=f inverse(x) then they intersect at y=x line as they are symmetric about this line.

f(i) = f inverse(i) = i.

Question says ff(i) = i for all i between 0 to 2014 then f(i) should be equal to i for all i b/w 0 to 2014.

Then why P is wrong it does not matter whether the domain is odd or even.
11 votes
11 votes

An involution is a function $f : A \rightarrow  A$ where $f(f(x)) = x.$ An involution is a function that, when applied twice, brings one back to the starting point.

Such functions are called involution or involutory function, or self-inverse function. 

Understanding such functions:

An involution is a function $f : A \rightarrow  A$ where $f(f(x)) = x.$

Example: $f : \{1,2,3 \} \rightarrow \{1,2,3 \} $ such that $f(1) = 2 ; f(2) = 1 ; f(3 ) = 3$

Example: $f : \{1,2, 3,4 \} \rightarrow \{1,2 \} $ such that $f(1) = 2 ; f(2) = 1; f(3) = 4; f(4) = 3$

Example: $f : \{1,2, 3,4 \} \rightarrow \{1,2 \} $ such that $f(1) = 2 ; f(2) = 1; f(3) = 3; f(4) = 4$

Example: $f : \{1,2, 3,4 \} \rightarrow \{1,2 \} $ such that $f(1) = 1 ; f(2) = 2; f(3) = 3; f(4) = 4$

Understanding Statements $P,Q$ given in the question:

Note that; in involutory function $f : A \rightarrow A,$ for any $a \in A$, Only two cases are possible:

Case 1: $f(a) = a$ i.e. $a$ maps to itself. [Note that $f(f(x)) = x$ is satisfied]

Case 2: $f(a) = b$ and $f(b) = a$ ; i.e. If $a$ maps to $b$ then $b$ maps to $a.$ [Note that $f(f(x)) = x$ is satisfied]

Basically, in involutory function, either an element maps to itself Or two elements map to each other. So, involutory function partitions the domain such that each part has either 1 or 2 elements in it. 


  • if $|A| = Odd;$ At Least One element Must map to itself. Also,  An Odd number of elements map to themselves. 
  • if $|A| = even;$ An even number of elements map to themselves. 

In the given question, $|A| = 2015 = Odd$ ; So, At Least One element Must map to itself. Hence, statement $Q$ is True.

Statement $P$ is false because the following type of mapping is possible: $f : \{1,2,3 \} \rightarrow \{1,2,3 \} $ such that $f(1) = 2 ; f(2) = 1 ; f(3 ) = 3$

All involutions are bijections.

1. Involutory function $f: A \rightarrow A$ is an Injective function: 

Proof by contrapositive: Assume $f(a) = f(b)$ ; So, $f(f(a)) = f(f(b))$ ; So, $a = b.$

2. Involutory function $f: A \rightarrow A$ is a Surjective function:

Proof by contradiction: Note that domain & co-domain of $f$ are same i.e. set $A.$ Assume $f$ is not surjective. So, some element $y \in co-domain$ doesn’t have any pre-image in the domain. Since domain & co-domain are same, So, $y$ is also in the domain. Assume $f(y) = X$ ; Now $X$ is also in domain, So, $f(X) = f(f(y)) = y$ ; which is a Contradiction because we had assumed that $y$ didn’t have a pre-image but it turns our that $y$ has at least one pre-image in the domain.

3. Involutory function $f: A \rightarrow A$ is a Bijective function:

Proof: We have already proven that $f$ is injection & surjection. So, $f$ is bijection. 

So, Statement $R$ is True. 

NOTE that; A bijection may or may not be Involution.

Example: $f : \{1,2,3 \} \rightarrow \{1,2,3 \} $ such that $f(1) = 2 ; f(2) = 3 ; f(3 ) = 1$ is bijection But not involution.

Counting the number of Involutions:

The number of involutions on a set with n elements, $S_n,$ is given by a recurrence relation:

$S_n = S_{n-1} + (n-1)S_{n-2}$ ; where $S_1 = 1, S_2 = 2$

Proof: Let $A = \{ 1,2,3, \dots, n \}$ where $n \geq 3$ 

Take element $n.$ Either $n$ maps to itself Or $n$ maps to some other element $a$ where $1 \leq a \leq n-1.$

If $n$ maps to itself, then we need to count $S_{n-1}.$

If $n$ maps to some other element $a,$ then $a$ will map to $n;$ hence we need to count $S_{n-2}$ for every choice of $a.$ $a$ can be any element from $1$ to $n-1;$ So, $n$ can map to any of these $n-1$ elements. 

So,  $S_n = S_{n-1} + (n-1) S_{n-2}$ ; ; where $S_1 = 1, S_2 = 2$

NOTE: There is NO simple formula to count number of involutions. So, don’t worry about it. 

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7 votes
7 votes

i think ans is B)

yes this function is into and onto .

as the P says for each i there must be a f(i)= i its may true but not the essential condition . as there must be like this f(0)=2014 and f(2014)= 0  so , f(f(0))=0 

for Q its true , there must be atleast one element have to satisfy this condition f(i)= i .

and R is also true .

1 comment

You mean one-one and onto...
4 votes
4 votes

This is one other way to solve easily,


Hence, we can note that Statement P can be eliminated, and Q and R are true.

So, Option (B) will be the answer.


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