in Mathematical Logic closed by
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Let S(x) be the predicate that "x is a student", F(x) be the predicate "x is a faculty member", and A(x,y) the predicate "x has asked y a question", where the domain consists of all people associated with your school.Use quantifiers to express each of these statements.

(f)Some student has asked every faculty member a question.

Now my doubt is

it can be framed like there is at least one student such that for all faculty members, he must have asked them a question.

so I wrote my expression as

∃x ( (S(x) ^ ∀y ( F(y) $\rightarrow$ A(x,y) ) )

But in rosen answer is given as below and I have 2 doubts in it.

Rosen's Ans : ∀y ( (F(y) $\rightarrow$ ∃x ( S(x) v A(x,y) ) )

Doubt 1: I think in above expression we must have and instead of or in second part of expression which is quantified by existential quantifier and so it should be

    ∀y ( (F(y) $\rightarrow$ ∃x ( S(x) ^ A(x,y) ) )

Doubt 2: What is the difference between my answer and rosen's answer.Which one is correct.

Please help.

in Mathematical Logic closed by


There is not much difference and both expression are correct I think


∃x ( (S(x) ^ ∀y ( F(y) → A(x,y) ) ) that u can think like this " there exists a student for every faculty member, where student asked a question to faculty member"

 ∀y ( (F(y) → ∃x ( S(x) v A(x,y) ) ) here it means "For every faculty member there exists a student , who asked them a question"

So, logically I think second one is better
Your formula is absolutely correct. The One given in Rosen and the one with the modification of "And" instead of "Or"..Both are wrong for the given Statement.

@Sreshtha-I think it depends on what interpretation we take of the statement.

A very good explanation has been given here :

@Deepak-you seem to be right about it.

Thank you both Deepak and Srestha

yes, I missed $\Lambda$ and v portion

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