in Verbal Aptitude
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Whether these sentences are correct or not

1> Each of the five men received a reward.

2> The boy narrated stories each.

3> Each of the members had his own opinion about the task.

4> Either the engineer or his mechanics failed in his duty.
in Verbal Aptitude

1 Answer

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Only 1 seems correct.

4 is wrong because in the context of the sentence, it should be "their duty" and not "his duty".
3 is wrong because it should be member, not members.
2 is wrong because it isn't a coherent sentence.

To fix it:

2. boys
3. their
4. their
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1 comment

In the third sentence, you are saying that member comes but according to rule after "of + the" Noun should be plural because I am talking about all members and not a single member otherwise it is meaningless to say each of the member because my member is only one


In the fourth sentence, I am talking to anyone from engineer or mechanics not both of them so it must take his instead of their


Please tell me if I am wrong
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