in Discrete Mathematics recategorized
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If $A_i = \{-i, \dots , -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, \dots , i \}$ then $\cup_{i=1}^\infty A_i$ is

  1. Z
  2. Q
  3. R
  4. C
in Discrete Mathematics recategorized

4 Answers

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Here 1 is the right ans Q,R,C are set of rational , real and complex numbers respectively

Z  is the set of integers, ie. positive, negative or zero

 Q is the set of rational numbers, ie. represented by a fraction a/b with a belonging to Z and b belonging to Z *

R is the set of real numbers, ie. all numbers that can actually exist, it contains in addition to rational numbers, non-rational numbers or   irrational

C  is the set of complex numbers, ie. the set of real numbers R and all imaginary numbers I.
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Option A
Set of Integers  i.e. Z 

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A (All Ineteger)
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Option (A) - as this is the union of all Integers from -$\infty$ to +$\infty$

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