in Graph Theory edited by
26 votes
26 votes

Let $G= (V, E)$ be a simple undirected graph on $n$ vertices. A colouring of $G$ is an assignment of colours to each vertex such that endpoints of every edge are given different colours. Let $\chi (G)$ denote the chromatic number of $G$, i.e. the minimum numbers of colours needed for a valid colouring of $G$. A set $B\subseteq V$ is an independent set if no pair of vertices in $B$ is connected by an edge. Let $a(G)$ be the number of vertices in a largest possible independent set in $G$. In the absence of any further information about $G$ we can conclude.

  1. $\chi \left(G\right)\geq a\left(G\right)$
  2. $\chi \left(G\right)\leq  a\left(G\right)$
  3. $a\left(G\right)\geq \frac{n}{\chi \left(G\right)}$
  4. $a\left(G\right)\leq \frac{n}{\chi \left(G\right)}$
  5. None of the above
in Graph Theory edited by

1 comment

If a graph G is properly coloured with $k$ colours, and has the independence number $i$, then the graph G has at maximum $ki$ vertices.

Proof: With chromatic number $k$, there will be $k$ colour classes. Each colour class is an independent set in itself. From the definition of independence number, the maximum size of each colour class would be $i$. So, $\text{total vertices}$ $\leq ki$


4 Answers

25 votes
25 votes
Best answer

Independence number : Size of largest maximum independent set$:a\left(G\right)$ (it covers all adjacent vertices)
Chromatic Number : Minimum No. of color required to properly color the graph$:\chi \left(G\right)$

The vertices of $G$ can be partitioned into $\chi \left(G\right)$ monochromatic classes. Each class is an independent set, and hence cannot have size larger than $α\left(G\right).$

$a\left(G\right) \chi \left(G\right) \geq n.$ (It is a theorem),
Option C.
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what i think is it should be option d . take the example of a wheel graph. with w4 . it will contain 5 vertices. and its chromatic number will 3.  so 5/3= 1.something . and the independent set . will be one.  the option  does not hold for it i think .

plus take  a complete graph. and apply . independent set = zero. vertex = n . and chromatic number is n.

so c is saying 0>=1. not true.
a(G) be the number of vertices in a largest possible independent set in G.
Independent set w4 will be 2.
ohh got it. i missed that it is vertex. solved using cut set.
Counter ex for option (A) χ(G)≥a(G) , is Cycle graph with n vertices(n is even) has χ(G) = 2 and a(G) = n/2.

So option (A)is wrong.
what if its a complete graph

assume complete graph on 4 vertices then chromatic number is 4

now independrnt set is 0

in this case

a(G)≥n /χ(G)=  0 >= 1

is wrong

isnt it a counter for option C

correct me

A_i_$_h No.Its not a counter ex for C.

Independent set = Set of vertices in which none of them are connected  = Set of non-adjacent vertices.

Independence number: Size of largest maximum independent set

In your ex complete graph with 4 vertices, Iet say vertex set ={a,b,c,d}.

Four independent set are possible {a},{b},{c},{d} and all have independence no a(G) =1 (not 0) and chro no χ(G)=4.



1≥1 it is always true.So its not counter ex for C.


does this also mean that there can never be a graph with independence number 0 ?

A_i_$_h null graph has independence number 0.


$G(V,E)$ is given to be a s1mple undirected graph, hence there will not be any self loops, which means there's no edge between a vertex and itself. So, a single vertex will be inside the independent set.



Hi there, I think the best answer given here needs a little modification. The Independence set contains non-adjacent pair of vertices, not adjacent ones.

6 votes
6 votes

(A) χ(G) ≥ a(G) ,counter ex :Cycle graph with n vertices(n is even) has χ(G) = 2 and a(G) = n/2 .Hence (A) is False.

(B)χ(G)≤a(G) ,counter ex :Complete graph with n vertices  has  χ(G) = n and a(G) = 1 .Hence (B) is False.

(C)a(G)≥n/χ(G), is always True.

Theorem: The vertices of G can be partitioned into χ(G) monochromatic classes. Each class is an independent set, and hence cannot have size larger than α(G),
α(G) χ(G) ≥ n or

a(G)≥n/χ(G) .

The correct answer is (C)a(G)≥n/χ(G) 

0 votes
0 votes

This question can also be solved using Pigeon-Hole Principle.

[ Following, Set is nothing but independant set( consisting of all colors of same type ). ]


     1.Let the no. of Holes be represented by no. of independant sets( colors of same type ) and no. of Pigeons be represented be represented by no. of Vertices.


     2.Here we are trying to distribute n Vertices(pigeons) into ϰ independant sets(holes).


     3.As the n > ϰ  ∴ there exists atleast one independant set(hole) which has ≽ n/ϰ Vertices(pigeons).


     4.All the Vertices within the set are independant(are of same color) so they don’t have any edge between them, so they produce an independant set.


  ∴by Pigeon-Hole principle we can say that there exist an independant set having ≽ n/ϰ vertices.


 Hence,  a(G) ≥ n/ϰ(G).

Option (C) is correct.


0 votes
0 votes

I derived the formulae not in the disciplined way.  

the size of max independent set is a(G)

So the number of independent sets in the graph are = n/a(G)

now this conclusion was drawn from a few examples that always  χ(G) >=  n/a(G) 

see because in the graph there can multiple sub-graphs and each sub-graph can have its own independent set. Considering the chromatic number will always be bigger than the number of independent sets, hence the derivation.


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