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I’ll talk about how maritime transport has been improved over the years.

- We all know that sea is so large and the occurrence of accidents or ship crash are possible

- So to ensure safety of ships, it has been developed some security systems
 to track and communicate with ships using technology.

- There are many useful systems, but I’ll only talk about two quickly

- first one is what’s called : The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

- This system is the most famous marine system and most shipping companies use it

- The idea of this system is to perform the following :
1- alerting : if a ship needs help for some urgent reasons , they can send a distress signal using a satellite
2- search : by using this system and GPS , they can locate ship’s position
3- rescue : and then rescue

- This is a simple idea of this system

- another system is what called ( Automatic identification system )

- It is an important system to avoid collision between ships and other objects.

- the idea of this system that it can track ships location , their speed

- and each ship use this system has a screen somewhere in the ship and it shows the other near ships that use the same system

- also it has sensors to keep the ship away from other objects

- these two systems could improve the maritime transport and safety.

- of course , there are other useful systems
- but these are the most famous ones .

- Now I’ll talk about the last point which is maritime transport in the future and how it would be.

- the since has been improved and Scientists seek to improve what is called autonomous shipping

- which is moving of ships from a port to other with no need of human help during the journey.

- the idea of autonomous shipping is that it is not fully control self
but the ship is controlling remotely from the port control station.

- It is closed , covered and with a lot of cameras inside and outside

- so we can say that autonomous shipping is shipping without crew and it is controlling remotely

- the advantages of autonomous shipping are that it is safer , faster, and more efficient

-  the main disadvantage is that is obvious that many sailors are going to lose their jobs.

- and by the way first autonomous ship is going to seal next year in 2019.
in Verbal Aptitude closed by


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