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5 votes
5 votes

How many tokens are there in each

  1. ->
  2. int *ptr = &x;
  3. ++a
  4. >=
  5. !=
  6. x += 10;

Token should be counted before pre-processing or after it?

from my experience only, I'm able to identify what are considered as tokens are and what not. I want a reliable reference to know what all tokens are there in C. Does a token depends on what compiler is in use? 

Create a standard list of tokens for GATE exam.

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2 Answers

4 votes
4 votes
  1. ->  token = 1 
  2. int *ptr = &x; token = 7
  3. ++a token = 2
  4. >=  token = 1
  5. !=  token = 1
  6. x += 10; token= 4

Find maximum length lexeme.which has some meaning 

example ++ we can think it is two + but ++ has meaning of increament. so considerd as 1

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