
in Combinatory closed by
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Number of ways we can arrange 5 books in 3 selves___________
in Combinatory closed by



I got ur point

actually we are arranging books but not two selves, that is why divide by 2.

but how do we know, selves are not distinct like upper selves and lower selves?

@Shaik Masthan

ok , I never mind :)

All the best for GATE to all of u:)


actually we are arranging books but not two selves, that is why divide by 2.

It's not like that 

5 books 

You inserted 2 sticks between 5 books to make a partition of 3 

Total elements = 5+2  

Now you gave to only 2 students because whatever is left at last is gave to last students

Like 2 | 2 | 1 

Total 7 elements ( 5 books + 2 sticks )

Distribute to 2 child 

1st will get = 2 books

2nd will get = 2 books

And we didn't take care for what 3rd student will get 

Because whatever is left  after giving  to 1st and 2nd student we will gave it to 3rd student 


That's why 

From 7 elements we choose only 2 



Here all books are different that's why we multiply with 5! 



If all books are identical than it's =   $\binom{5+2}{2} X \frac{5!}{5!}$


" Sticks are only concept that we introduce to simply solve such questions " 

"If in this question it's given that books selves are also different " 

Than it has to be = 

$\binom{5+2}{2} X 5!  X 2!$



what will be ans

if they ask for

"Number of ways we can arrange 5 identical books in 3 children___________"

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