in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by
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2 votes

Until Iran came along, India had never been ___________ in Kabaddi.

  1. defeated
  2. defeating
  3. defeat
  4. defeatist
in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by

4 Answers

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Best answer

"Until Iran came" means we have to use past perfect tense. 

had never been defeated

Correct option: A

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Answer will be defeated , because it is asking , what was not done before Iran came along in Kabaddi , India had never been defeated.

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A) defeated

Because simple past tense-> complete past tense.

Complete past tense=had+been+pastor
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Had never been is used when in the past it was done but now it can be changed, 

like in the above sentence India has never been defeated but Iran came and then defeated India.

As it happened in the past so it will be defeated.    In B & C option neither it is happening nor it is in the present tense .


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