in Analytical Aptitude recategorized by
8 votes
8 votes

Some students were not involved in the strike.

If the above statement is true, which of the following conclusions is/are logically necessary?

  1. Some who were involved in the strike were students.
  2. No student was involved in the strike.
  3. At least one student was involved in the strike.
  4. Some who were not involved in the strike were students. 
  1. $1$ and $2$
  2. $3$
  3. $4$
  4. $2$ and $3$ 
in Analytical Aptitude recategorized by

3 Answers

9 votes
9 votes
Best answer

Some students were not involved in the strike.

  1. Some who were involved in the strike were students - cannot be inferred from the given statement.
  2. No student was involved in the strike - same as above, cannot be inferred.
  3. At least one student was involved in the strike - same as above, cannot be inferred.
  4. Some who were not involved in the strike were students -- same meaning as the given statement. 

So, if the given statement is TRUE statement 4 must be TRUE whereas the other three may or may not be TRUE (not necessary).

Correct Answer: C.

3 votes
3 votes

Answer B

3. At least one student was involved in the strike.

Because some students were not involved in the strike. 

It means some were take part in it.

Other statements 1. It makes sense but not given in any option definitely false so option A and D false

   4. It definitely false  out of scope

1 comment

Because some students were not involved in the strike. 


It means we don’t know about other some student, what we know is some students are not involved, other might be involved or not we don’t know

So, C is correct

1 vote
1 vote

(C) 4. Some who were not involved in the strike were students. 


Any other person can also be in the strike other than students.Your ans is false.


"Any other person can also be in the strike other than students"

It may or may not be true, Nowhere in the statement mentioned about it. But it is clearly written "some students were not involved in the strike".

In passage/statement type of question don't make any assumption, always go for what can be inferred from the given passage/statement.


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