in Set Theory & Algebra recategorized by
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in Set Theory & Algebra recategorized by

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Ankit, please type the question instead of screen shot... Moreover tag the question under suitable category !

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R is a directed graph and can be represented using Adjacency Matrix of 1000x1000 .

Let's take the 1st one :-

$\{ (a, b) | a ≤ b \} $.  The first row will have 1000 1's since 1≤{1,2,.....1000}.

The second row will have 999 entries .

Similarly , the pattern will continue and last row will have only one 1 , since 1000≤1000.

Thus total number of non zero entries = $1+2+3+....1000 = \frac{1000*1001}{2} = 500500$.

2nd One:-

$\{ (a, b) | a = b ± 1 \}$.

Leaving the 1st and the last row , every row will have 2 non zero entries . Why? Since 1=2-1 and 1000=999+1.

Thus , total = $1+1+2*998 = 1996+2 = 1998$.

Third One :-

$\{ (a, b) | a + b = 1000 \}$. Here , each row will have one entry , leaving the last row , since $1000+0$ shall be 1000 , but 0 is not in the set , thus total = $999$.

Fourth One :-

$\{ (a, b) | a + b ≤ 1001 \}$.

Here , first row will have 1000 entries , since 1+1000 = 1001 , and every other addition with 1 will be less than 1001.

The second row will have 999 entries , since 2+1000 = 1002 and 2+999 = 1001 , thus it will have one entry less.

This will continue , and the final row will have just one entry $[1000+1=1001]$.

So total number of entries = $1+2+3+....1000 = \frac{1000*1001}{2} = 500500$.

And the last one ,

$\{ (a, b) | a ≠ 0 \}$.

It will have $1000*1000 = 1000000$ non zero entries
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Can anyone verify ? @Ankit Jaiswal @srestha ma'am?

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