in Operating System edited by
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Consider a system having $10$ IO bound jobs and $1$ CPU bound job.. If IO bound job issue an IO request once for every ms of CPU computation and that each IO request takes $10$ ms. If context switch overhead is $0.1$ ms.Using round -robin scheduling with a time quantum of $10$ ms.  , the CPU efficiency is __________________
in Operating System edited by

1 Answer

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Here, there is a difference between CPU bound and I/O bound processes. A CPU bound process can use the full 10 ms time slot, whereas an I/O bound process can have it only for 1 ms because another I/O bound process in the queue will snatch the time from it. So a CPU bound process takes 10 ms, 10 I/O bound processes would take 10*1=10ms. So, the CPU would be utilized for a total of 20 ms out of 21.1 ms. (Total time is 10*1.1 + 10.1=21.1ms). Thus the CPU utilization is 2021.1∗100=952021.1∗100=95%

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