in Set Theory & Algebra
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Suppose that $A=$ { $2,4,6$ }, $B=$  { $2,6$ }, $C=$ { $4,6$ }, and $D=$ { $4,6,8$ }. Determine which of these sets are subsets of which other of these sets.
in Set Theory & Algebra

1 Answer

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$ A=\left\{2,4,6\right\}$,




set $A$ is said to be subset of $B$ if and only if every elements of $A$ is also an elements of $B$. That is:

$A\subseteq B=\forall x(x\in A\to x\in B)$


1) Every elements of B is also an elements of A so $B\subseteq A$

2) Every elements of C is also elements of A so $C\subseteq A$

3) Every elements of C is also an elements of D so $C\subseteq D$

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