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I have got a good GATE rank in 2019 and most probably I will get into IIT-B TA.

I am thinking of working on algorithms and data structures before I join. I have gone through a lot of content regarding interview preparation and competitive coding. A lot of material talks about how to work when you are doing bachelors and when you have more years.

Could someone provide some pointers or any resources that help me improve my skills for competitive coding or interview preparation in general?
in DS recategorized by


Congo, btw participate in Google codejam and kickstart, If you haven't they're underway right now but registrations are open. P.S. I don't know much about interview preparation but for competitive coding I know having a target to be among top rankers in competitions or reaching to 4,5 * user level gives you the reason to do a lot of coding. For knowing better approaches you can view top users solution after trying on problems at codechef etc. I think you should already be having the "mindset"or "right-approach-thinking " for problems, you just need to see hard problems.
Thank you for the advice.

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