in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by
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3 votes

The horse has played a little known but very important role in the field of medicine. Horses were injected with toxins of diseases until their blood built up immunities. Then a serum was made from their blood. Serums to fight with diphtheria and tetanus were developed this way.

It can be inferred from the passage, that horses were

  1. given immunity to diseases
  2. generally quite immune to diseases
  3. given medicines to fight toxins
  4. given diphtheria and tetanus serums
in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by


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Is it option D ?

Nope. For developing serums how can you give serums ?

Its like egg & hen problem laugh

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Option B.

4 Answers

4 votes
4 votes
Best answer

Horses were injected with toxins of diseases until their blood built up immunities

Immunity for diseases can be artificially given (take the case of smallpox). 

So the answer is (A)

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Option d
6 votes
6 votes
Official Answer -> A (Don't know why !)

My answer was B

1 comment

It is told in paragraph that horses are injected with toxins until they developed immunity. thus A is correct. It is no where told that Horses are generally or already immune.
3 votes
3 votes

Horses were injected with toxins of diseases until their blood built up immunities.

A. given immunity to diseases

$\rightarrow$ It is correct since they were given toxins of diseases to attain immunity to diseases.

B. Generally quite immune to diseases.

$\rightarrow$ We can't say horses are generally immune to diseases. (since they are given toxins to acheive immunity).

C. given medicines to fight toxins

$\rightarrow$  It is incorrect since they were given toxins of diseases not medicines to fight toxins.


Then a serum was made from their blood. Serums to fight with diphtheria and tetanus were developed this way.

D. given diphtheria and tetanus serums

$\rightarrow$  It is incorrect since the serum was made from their blood and not given to them.

$\therefore$ Option A is the right answer.

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"Horses were injected with toxins of diseases until their blood built up immunities."

Here these highlighted words imply that, horses were not immune to those diseases intially but later they develop that..

So i think option b is not implied from passage..

Also that statement supports option a.

Your reasoning for option c,d are correct

Yes correct, thankyou.
1 vote
1 vote

My answer would be option B, as the passage mentions that horses were injected with toxins until they developed immunity. Whereas option A says that they were given immunity. How does option A relates?

Option B states that horses are generally immune from diseases. In the passage doctors are injecting toxins on horses because they know that horses will develop immunity automatically. They themselves aren’t giving horse any immunity.

Hence correct answer should be option B


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