in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by
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The new cotton technology, Bollgard_II, with herbicide-tolerant traits has developed into a thriving business in India. However, the commercial use of this technology is not legal in India. Notwithstanding that, reports indicate that the herbicide tolerant Bt cotton had been purchased by farmers at an average of Rs $200$ more than the control price of ordinary cotton, and planted in  $15\%$ of the cotton growing area in the $2017$ Kharif season.

Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the given passage?

  1. Farmers want to access the new technology if India benefits from it
  2. Farmers want to access the new technology even if it is not legal
  3. Farmers want to access the new technology for experimental purposes
  4. Farmers want to access the new technology by paying high price
in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by
Migrated from GO Civil 4 years ago by Arjun

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Answer will be B)


4 Answers

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2 votes
Best answer
  1. Farmers want to access the new technology if India benefits from it -- there is nothing in the passage that says that farmers are doing anything specifically for India's benefit.
  2. Farmers want to access the new technology even if it is not legal -- this is true as the passage says that the new technology is not legal and that the farmers are using it.
  3. Farmers want to access the new technology for experimental purposes -- it is not clear whether the farmers are using the new technology for experimental purposes. Tt can also be inferred that some of the farmers are using the new technology while others are not.
  4. Farmers want to access the new technology by paying high price -- this also cannot be inferred. The passage only says that the price of new technology is higher and it can be that the farmers are "forced to" buy them at high price.

Correct Option: B.


1 comment

"Forced to" can be apllied to option B also..
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1 vote

Answer is B

Farmers want to access the new technology even if it is not legal.

The argument emphasizes on the widespread use of the new cotton technology despite it being illegal. Detail about price is just an additional detail.

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Ans; C

Reason is, that they only grew in 15% of the cotton growing area for experimenting purpose.Special mention of 15% is given for the same. If they had to grow then they would have grown in their entire area of cotton growing field.
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According to me the answer should be option C because if all the new technologies are not legal then their commercial usage is prohibited by the government. And as per the report, only during 2017 kharif season the farmers purchased the herbicide-tolerant cotton at higher price and covering 15% of the total growing area. This infers that although the technology was illegal still they purchased to check its usability. Impling that it was just experimental. Hence option C


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