in Quantitative Aptitude edited by
14 votes
14 votes

Which of the following functions describe the graph shown in the below figure?

  1. $y=\mid \mid x \mid + 1 \mid -2$
  2. $y=\mid \mid x \mid - 1 \mid -1$
  3. $y=\mid \mid x \mid + 1 \mid -1$
  4. $y=\mid \mid x  - 1 \mid -1 \mid$
in Quantitative Aptitude edited by
Migrated from GO Mechanical 4 years ago by Arjun

3 Answers

13 votes
13 votes
Best answer
Take $x = 1$

$y_A = 0, y_B = -1, y_C =1, y_D =1$

Only $y_B$ is correct.

So, Option: B.


@Arjun sir

After getting $y_{b}=-1$ by putting $x=1$, how we are concluding that B is the option.

edited by

@Kushagra गुप्ता

When we put $x = 1,$ then option $(B)$ given $ y = -1$

When we put $x = -1,$ then option $(B)$ given $ y = -1$

When we put $x = 0,$ then option $(B)$ given $ y = 0$

When we put $x = 2,$ then option $(B)$ given $ y = 0$

When we put $x = -2,$ then option $(B)$ given $ y = 0$

When we put $x = 3,$ then option $(B)$ given $ y = 1$

When we put $x = -3,$ then option $(B)$ given $ y = 1$

Only Option $(B)$ satisfies the given graph.

0 votes
0 votes
To solve this question we can use elimination method  

That is by substituting the values from the graph into the equations and check wheather they satisfy the equation or not


So 1st we can see that when x=0 then y=0 . So if we substitute x=0 in the equations then we should get y=0  

From this we can eliminate option-A because it is giving y=-1  


Next we can see that when x=-1 then y=-1. So if we substitue x=-1 then we can clearly see that only option-B gives y=-1  

so correct answer is option-B
0 votes
0 votes
solve by taking x=1 then y=-1

A: 0

B: -1


D: 1

So B is answer

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