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Programming in C: GATE IT 2008 | Question: 49
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29 votes
29 votes

What is the output printed by the following C code?

# include <stdio.h>
int main ()
    char a [6] = "world";
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0, j = 5; i < j; a [i++] = a [j--]);
    printf ("%s\n", a);
  1. dlrow
  2. Null string
  3. dlrld
  4. worow
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4 Answers

Best answer
42 votes
42 votes

Char $a[6] = \begin{array}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|} \hline \text{w} &  \text{o} &  \text{r} &  \text{l} &  \text{d} &  \text{\0}\\\hline \end{array}$ 

After the loop executes for the first time, 

$a[0] = a[5]$

$a[0] =$`\0`

Next two more iterations of the loop till $i < j$ condition becomes false, are not important for the output as the first position is '\0';

printf(‘’%s’’, $a$);

printf function for format specifier '%s' prints the characters from the corresponding parameter (which should be an address) until "\0" occurs. Here, first character at $a$ is "\0" and hence it will print NOTHING. 

So, option (B).                  

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22 votes
22 votes

char a[6] = "WORLD"  which be stored like this 

W O R L D \0

Key of this question : there is semicolon (;) after the for loop  , so printf statement will only execute when control will come out of the loop or loop condition will be false.

Iteration 1 : i=0,j=5; 0<5 (condition is true ) ;

                  a[0++] = j[5--] 

/o o r l d \0

 ( here , R.H.S will execute first and j[5--](=null) will be assigned to a[0++] .and then j=5 will be decremented once, bcz post decrement here , same with a[0++] . i will be incremented by one after this statement . )

iteration 2: i=1,j=4 ; 1<4 ( condition is true )

                   a[1++] = j[4--]

\o d r l d \o

iteration 3 :  i=2,j=3; 2<3 (condition is true)


\o d l l d \o

iteration 4 : i=3,j=2; 3<2 (condition false )

                    so control will go to the printf statement , and the command inside printf statement is saying print the string present on this address of a  (base address of array) upto null.

but , here first string is null at a[0] . so control will not move further and the output will be null .

so option b is the correct answer.

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1 votes
1 votes


$int\ i,j;$

$for(i=0,j=5;i<j;a[i++]=a[j--])$ $;$

$0<5 //condition\ True$

Because of the semi-colon it will not execute the statement instead it will do increment/decrement.



$1<4 //condition\ True$



$2<3 //condition\ True$



$3<2 //condition\ False$

$printf("\%s\setminus n",a)$

Correct Answer (B): Null string

1 votes
1 votes
We can consider like this

for(i=0, j=5 ; i<j ; i++, j--)


a[i] = a[j];


Therefore a[0] = null char which means end of string. Hence Ans will be Null String.

Thank you for reading.

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