in Graph Theory edited by
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For the graph shown, which of the following paths is a Hamilton circuit?

  2. $AEDCBAF$
  3. $AEFDCBA$
  4. $AFCDEBA$
in Graph Theory edited by

7 Answers

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3 votes
C is the answer.

Hamiltonian circuit is a cycle where every node is visited exactly once.
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2 votes

A) ABCDCFDEFAEA           : Most of the vertices are repeating can`t be a Hamiltonian iteration.

B) AEDCBAF                       : Starting and ending vertex is not same contradicts the def of a circuit

C) AEFDCBA         : Its right sequence follows All definition. CORRECT ANSWER.

D) AFCDEBA        : There is no way to access B after traversing E without repeating any other intermediate vertex.

1 vote
1 vote
A hamiltonion circuit in a connected graph is defined as a closed walk that traverses every vertex of G exactly once ,except of course the starting vertex

A)No A because A is repeated Several times

B)Its not closed walk

C)Yes it is closed walk and all vertex traversed

D)No its not walk
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1 vote
A Hamiltonian cycle, also called a Hamiltonian circuit, Hamilton cycle, or Hamilton circuit, is a graph cycle (i.e., closed loop) through a graph that visits each node exactly once. A graph possessing a Hamiltonian cycle is said to be a Hamiltonian graph.
Here, Option A: A,F and E are repeated several times.
Option B: It is not a cycle. It means, not closed walk
Option C: It is closed walk and all vertex traversed. So this is final answer.
Option D: It’s not a closed walk.

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