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The coupling between different modules of a software is categorized as follows: 

  1. Content coupling 
  2. Common coupling
  3. Control coupling 
  4. Stamp Coupling
  5. Data Coupling 

Coupling between modules can be ranked in the order of strongest (least desirable) to weakest(most desirable) as follows: 

  1. I-II-III-IV-V
  2. V-IV-III-II-I
  3. I-III-V-II-IV
  4. IV-II-V-III-I
in IS&Software Engineering retagged by

1 Answer

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The coupling between different modules can be described as the :

  • The connection between two different modules or routines i.e the interdependence of the routines.

All different types of coupling mentioned in the question can be described as :

1. Content: content in the module actually means the code is shared between two modules, it's strongest because both are very much dependent but very least desirable because of violating the basic principle of information hiding.

2. Common: This described that two modules access the same data which has to be global, but since they are accessing the same data there can be chances of error propagation so its less interdependent compared to content but less favorable to other couplings.

3. Control: Its the control flow coordination bypassing some data which can be a flag or some values.

4. Stamp: sometimes called data structure also, when two routines share a data structure which is a composite so most likely they are accessing different parts of it.

5. Data coupling : Its just passing a data to the other routine, for example a routine passes a value to other routine which computes factors of the number.

So the answer is :

 $A. I > II > III > IV > V$



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