in Combinatory
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  1. Find the recurrence relation satisfied by $R_{n},$ where $R_{n}$ is the number of regions that a plane is divided into by $n$ lines, if no two of the lines are parallel and no three of the lines go through the same point.
  2. Find $R_{n}$ using iteration.
in Combinatory

1 Answer

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One line divide a plane in 2 region and two unparalleled lines divide a plane in 4 regions.


a) $R_{n}=R_{n-1}+n$

Suppose, there are $R_{n-1}$ parallel lines, which divides the plane in $R_{n-1}$ regions.

and 1 unparallel line , cut each parallel line in 1 point, which add n more region in the plane.
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