in Combinatory retagged by
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Solve these recurrence relations together with the initial conditions given.

  1. $a_{n} = a_{n-1}+ 6a_{n-2} \:\text{for}\: n \geq 2, a_{0} = 3, a_{1} = 6$
  2. $a_{n} = 7a_{n-1}− 10a_{n-2} \:\text{for}\: n \geq 2, a_{0} = 2, a_{1} = 1$
  3. $a_{n} = 6a_{n-1}− 8a_{n-2} \:\text{for}\: n \geq 2, a_{0} = 4, a_{1} = 10$
  4. $a_{n} = 2a_{n-1}− a_{n-2} \:\text{for}\: n \geq 2, a_{0} = 4, a_{1} = 1$
  5. $a_{n} = a_{n-2} \:\text{for}\: n \geq 2, a_{0} = 5, a_{1} = −1$
  6. $a_{n} = −6a_{n-1}− 9a_{n-2} \:\text{for}\: n \geq 2, a_{0} = 3, a_{1} = −3$
  7. $a_{n+2} = −4a_{n+1} + 5a_{n} \:\text{for}\: n \geq 0, a_{0} = 2, a_{1} = 8$
in Combinatory retagged by

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