in Quantitative Aptitude recategorized by
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A businessman purchases an item at a certain price and marks its price up by $30\%$. He sells the item at a certain discount on markup price and makes a net profit of $4\%$ on the whole transaction. Find the discount given by businessman on markup price.

  1. $10$
  2. $15$
  3. $26$
  4. $20$
in Quantitative Aptitude recategorized by

1 Answer

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Let he purchased an item @ Rs.100

Marked price = Rs. 130

We know that

Marked price - Discount = Selling price


130 - 130*x % = 104

130 - 13x/10 = 104

x= 20

another way

Discount = MP - SP = 130-104 = 26

now w.r.t to marked price (26/130) ×100 =20


therefore option D

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