in Analytical Aptitude edited by
5 votes
5 votes

Find the missing element in the following figure. 


  1. $d$
  2. $e$
  3. $w$
  4. $y$
in Analytical Aptitude edited by
Migrated from GO Mechanical 3 years ago by Arjun

1 comment

another approach can be: put the corresponding numbers in place of all the alphabets, then do additions and subtractions with only the adjacent corner values to get the middle number.


20-5=15 (subtracting 1 from it we get 14)

8+5=13 (adding 1 to it, we get 14)

24-8=16 (subtracting 2 from it we get 14)

24-9=15 (subtracting 1 from it we get 14).

So, d (value: 4) should be placed such that 20-4=16 (subtracting 2 from it we can get 14) and 9+4=13 (adding 1 to it, we can get 14).


1 Answer

6 votes
6 votes
Best answer

First, we can write the numbers corresponding to the alphabet. $i.e.,h = 8,n = 14,t = 20,x = 24.$

Now,  we can do addition/subtraction, we get.

Here, $4$ is denoted by $d.$

So, the correct answer is $(A).$

edited by


@Lakshman Patel RJIT

Sir is this a possible explanation?

There are two isosceles triangles, then we can see the elements in two apex (the vertex where the two sides of equal length meet, opposite the unequal third side) are added $5+9=14$ to get middle number ‘n’. 

And the numbers in either side of base is added and divided $(20+8)/2=14$ by two to get number ‘n’

By this we get $(?+24)=14$ so $?=4$

But how will we get idea that 14-10 only will come?

We can tell that surely if one side + nd Othrr side - getting in all

But instead of getting 14-9 nd 14+9 we are getting 14-9 nd 14-5

Then how will we get idea

Or is there any other logic

Plz explain

another idea can be
ignore middle 14
so 5 +4=9
20 +4=24
4 +4=8


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