in Verbal Aptitude retagged by
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Hit by floods, the kharif (summer sown) crops in various parts of the country have been affected. Officials believe that the loss in production of the kharif crops can be recovered in the output of the rabi (winter sown) crops so that the country can achieve its food-grain production target of $291$ million tons in the crop year $2019-20$ (July – June). They are hopeful that good rains in July-August will help the soil retain moisture for a longer period, helping winter sown crops such as wheat and pulses during the November-February period.

Which of the following statements can be inferred from the given passage?

  1. Officials declared that the food-grain production target will be met due to good rains.
  2. Officials want the food-grain production target to be met by the November-February period.
  3. Officials feel that the food-grain production target cannot be met due to floods.
  4. Officials hope that the food-grain production target will be met due to a good rabi produce.
in Verbal Aptitude retagged by

1 Answer

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Best answer

“Officials believe that the loss in production of the kharif crops can be recovered in the output of the rabi (winter sown) crops so that the country can achieve its food-grain production target of $291$ million tons”.

So, option D should be the answer. 

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