in Quantitative Aptitude
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Find the next term in the series

10, 18, 28, 40, 54?
in Quantitative Aptitude

2 Answers

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Best answer

For the given series pattern are as follows:

  • $10+8=18$
  • $18+10=28$
  • $28+12=40$
  • $40+14=54$
  • $54+16=70$

So each number will follow $(+8,+10,+12,+14…)$. Therefore next number in the given series will be $70$

So the correct answer is $70$

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the difference b/w 1st  and 2nd   digit is 8

difference between  2nd  and 3rd  is 10 and then  3rd and 4th is 12

4th and 5th digit  is 14  and last digit and 2nd last digit is 16

so 54-x=16

so x = 70 

the last digit will be 70



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