in Spatial Aptitude
1 vote
1 vote



Options are: 

  1. 100
  2. 200
  3. 50
  4. 400
in Spatial Aptitude

2 Answers

3 votes
3 votes
The Answer should be option D i.e 400

This is because after the last fold if the two equal sides measure 10cm each then the length of the base of the triangle before the last fold (i.e the base of the last triangle shown in the figure) should be 2 * 10 cm i.e 20 cm. Hence the base of the square piece of paper is 20 cm. Hence the area is $20^{2}$ which is 400.
0 votes
0 votes

Two equal sides of isosceles triangles have length 10

And other side that is base of square is 10√2

So sides of square will be 10√2

Area will 10√2×10√2=200(B)

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