in IISc/IITs
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2 votes
I recently gave the written test for IITB’s MS by research CSE course. The test conducted was for both MS and Ph.D. candidates. Having applied to the intelligent systems panel, the subjective test had questions on visual computing, NLP, and AI.

I couldn’t qualify it as during my gate preparation I never focused on these concepts of AI/ML. Ergo, I was not able to solve most of the questions. When the list of shortlisted students came out, I couldn’t help but notice that out of the 15 candidates shortlisted for interview 13 selected students had appeared for GATE in 2021.

I have a genuine interest in pursuing research in the field of AI/ML. After giving the test, I felt like dropping a year to explore these subjects in-depth and preparing again for GATE to apply for MS programs (at IISC, IITB, or IITM), but I need direction --- to know what is it that I should do.

I have been coming up with a lot of things that I can try, but I feel like I am just pressurizing myself with that. I have thought about doing courses on Coursera, and Udacity to explore neural networks in-depth, enrolling and giving exams for the NPTEL course on deep learning and ML, and preparing for GATE again.

I am not sure whether this will really help me get an MS seat in the aforementioned colleges next year either.

If you are someone who had similar goals as me (pursuing research in AI/ML) or you have a suggestion that could help me, kindly let me know what journey you had, or what are your views on my scenario here.
in IISc/IITs

1 comment

If you are able to get admissions in any other top institutes for AI/ML propgrams join it instead of dropping.

1 Answer

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...I felt like dropping a year to explore these subjects in-depth and preparing again for GATE to apply for MS programs (at IISC, IITB, or IITM)?

In my opinion, you don't need to drop out and prepare for these subjects? You can learn even while doing Job so first thing no need to think about dropping at all. It is not suitable for you and your career. I know it may be an emotional touch you have with AI/ML but dropping off is not a solution. Try to get a job and start learning alongside.

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