in Combinatory recategorized by
4 votes
4 votes

A set of cards is numbered $1$ through $6.$

  • Quantity A: The number of ways to pick $3$ of the $6$ cards such that card number $1$ is included.
  • Quantity B: The number of ways to pick $3$ of the $6$ cards such that card number $1$ is excluded.
  1. Quantity A is greater than Quantity B.
  2. Quantity B is greater than Quantity A.
  3. The two quantities are equal.
  4. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
in Combinatory recategorized by

1 Answer

5 votes
5 votes
They’re counting $3$-card sets, not sequences of $3$ cards.
There are $^{5}\text{C}_{2} = 10$ pairs of cards that could be combined with the $1,$ so Quantity A is $10.$
There are $^{5}\text{C}_{3} = 10$ ways to choose $3$ of the non-$1$ cards, so Quantity B is only $10.$
So, the answer is Option C.

NOTE that for a set of cards is numbered $1$ through $5,$ the following will happen:
There are $^{4}\text{C}_{2} = 6$ pairs of cards that could be combined with the $1,$ so Quantity A is $6.$ There are $^{4}\text{C}_{3} = 4$ ways to choose $3$ of the non-$1$ cards, so Quantity B is only $4.$

Since the numbers are so small, here are the $3$-card hands that include the $1:$


And here are the $3$-card hands that don’t include it:


NOTE that for a set of cards is numbered $1$ through $n,$ where $n \geq 7,$ the Quantity B will be higher.


The typo has been corrected now.

NOTE that for a set of cards numbered 1 through n, where n≥7, the Quantity B will be higher.


Verification of the above statement:

Quantity A: The number of ways to pick 3 of the 7 cards such that card number 1 is included.

6C2 = 15 pairs will combine with card 1 which is included already


Quantity B: The number of ways to pick 3 of the 7 cards such that card number 1 is excluded.

6C3 = 20 ways to select 3 cards from 6 cards as 1 is excluded. 

Hence, Quantity B is higher.


set of cards is the main keyword for this question.

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