in Object Oriented Programming recategorized by
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Which one of the following fundamental features of the OOPs is not supported by 𝐶++?

(a) Persistence

(b) Delegation

(c) Genericity

(d) Data abstraction
in Object Oriented Programming recategorized by

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Answer: Option A) Persistence is not supported by C++.

Most objects cease to exist when they go out of scope. This may be when the function in which they were created terminates. It may be when the container in which they reside is deleted. At any rate, they can be expected to disappear when the program exits. Persistent objects are those which survive between successive invocations of the program. A classic example of such an object is a database record.

C++ doesn't support persistence directly. c++ - what is the concept of Object-Persistence? - Stack Overflow

Delegation: When object of one class is used as data member in another class, such composition of objects is known as "Delegation".

Genericity: We can write a program that contains more than one version depending on the data types of the arguments provided at run time. For example we can write a program that can perform addition on integers, and the same program can also perform addition on floating point numbers. This feature allows declaration of variables without specifying exact data types. The compiler identifies the data at run time. The "template" feature of C++ allows this genericity.

Data abstraction: The act of representing the essential features without including the background details is called Data Abstraction.


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