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In a programmed I/O technique, the processor is stuck
in a wait loop doing status checking of an I/O device.
To increase efficiency, the I/O software could be writ-
ten so that the processor periodically checks the status of the device. If the device is not ready, the processor
can jump to other tasks. After some timed interval, the
processor comes back to check status again. Let us
assume that above scheme is used for outputting data
one character at a time to a printer that operates at 10
characters per second (CPS). Which of the following
statement is true if its status is scanned every 200 ms?

(A) The printing speed is increased by 5 CPS

(B) The printing rate is slowed to 5 CPS

(C) The printing rate is at 10 CPS only

(D) The printing rate is at 20 CPS
in Computer Networks recategorized by


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B is the Answer??

@lalitver10 I think the answer should be C

it remains constant The printing rate should be 10cps because it check the process again and again and if its not ready then it moves to other task 

Correct me if i am Wrong?? 


Hii @Vaishnavi Gadhe ,

it check the process again and again and if its not ready then it moves to other task

Yes program will check periodically after each 200ms and if data is not prepared switch to another program execution But if program will continuously in loop  check the status flag in blocking mode then 1 character data will be available in each 100 ms (don’t need to wait 200ms) .



@eskaykaushik what is the anwer for this question??


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