in IISc/IITs
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Okay in this year GATE-2023, i have got 56.67 marks, Rank-1024, GATE score-622 and my category is SC. I just want to know that what are my chances in top or any IIT's.  And which IIT takes a separate test/interview other than gate score. Please be kind.

in IISc/IITs


Perfect rank = $2^{10}$

You have chances for almost all IITs. Apply wisely.
Actually this is my first time at this Gate and in this platform so I'm sorry for any kind of mistake.

1 Answer

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Congratulations on securing a good rank and score in GATE 2023!

Based on your GATE score and rank, you have a decent chance of getting admission in some of the top IITs for postgraduate programs.

However, admission to IITs depends on various factors such as the number of seats available, the number of applicants, the cutoff for that particular year, and your category.

For more details refer to Cutoffs for Masters GATE CSE at

edited by


I am getting you banned from the platform for using Chat-GPT for such a simple query. If you do not know anything, better is to keep your mouth shut.

@Vishal_kumar98 it got selected as best answer :) And that too by someone who got 99 percentile in GATE 


Doesn't matter. Malpractice is malpractice. We should refrain from using AI for such perceptive questions. @gatecse


I agree. Posting chatgpt answers as own answer is weird and should be discouraged. Previously people used to post google search content as own – those people just got an upgrade 😅

Meanwhile while the answer here is not precise and very diplomatic it does answer some generic concerns and is far better than what most humans are answering. A better answer here would be 

Last year, for 1024 rank someone got X and so you have a decent chance there. The institutes taken by people in 2022 for ranks between 900-1200 (I’m not using score here for obvious reasons) in category SC are [A,B,C,...] and so you should apply there unless you specifically don’t want any of those. Also, for programs with interviews you should consider ALL such programs as in 2022 in SC category rank of 1024 got all the interview calls. Interview calls doesn’t mean a selection and typically less than 5% candidates attending the interviews get selected. 

Is there anyone who can make chatgpt better like this? :)

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