in Verbal Aptitude edited by
2 votes
2 votes

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom/phrase.

That boy from the town was a ____________ in the sleepy village.

  1.  dog out of herd
  2.  sheep from the heap
  3.  fish out of water
  4.  bird from the flock
in Verbal Aptitude edited by

3 Answers

4 votes
4 votes
Best answer

Ans : That boy from the town was a  fish out of water  in the sleepy village.

  1. dog out of herd :  no meaning for this idiom 
  2. sheep from the heap :  no meaning for this idiom
  3. fish out of water : someone who is uncomfortable in a particular situation
  4. bird from the flock :  no meaning for this idiom
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PLease tell the meaning of other  idoms as well . For me Option C is perfect !

Same here, plz explain other options as well.
1 vote
1 vote

There among these 4 options only option C is correct .

a fish out of water :  

Meaning : someone who is uncomfortable in a particular situation 

Other 3 options like 

  1. dog out of herd  = have no meaning
  2.  sheep from the heap = have no meaning
  3. bird from the flock = have no meaning
0 votes
0 votes
The right answer should be dog out of herd.

question says that the right answer should be idiom or phrase

Dog out of herd is a phrase the question describes the village as sleepy and the first option according to me fits right as the statement potray more of an odd one out situation rather than an uncomfortable situation.

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