in Verbal Aptitude
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2 votes

Choose the most appropriate word or phrase from the options given below to complete the following sentence.

The environmentalists hope ________ the lake to its pristine condition.

  1. in restoring
  2. in the restoration of
  3. to restore
  4. restoring
in Verbal Aptitude

3 Answers

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Best answer

The verb "HOPE" is always followed by (verb + infinity not verb +ing)

e.g., She hopes to go to university next year

Correct Option: C

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The environmentalists hope to restore the lake to its pristine condition.

Pristine means original condition.

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Hope to do something (hope + infinitive).

Hope for something (preposition + noun or noun phrase = a prepositional phrase).

Hope that something will happen (hope that + noun clause).

to restore (C)


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