in Quantitative Aptitude edited by
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9 votes

The quality of services delivered by a company consists of six factors as shown below in the radar diagram. The dots in the figure indicate the score for each factor on a scale of $0$ to $10.$ The standardized coefficient for each factor is given in the parentheses. The contribution of each factor to the overall service quality is directly proportional to the factor score and its standardized coefficient.


The lowest contribution among all the above factors to the overall quality of services delivered by the company is

  1. $10\%$
  2. $20\%$
  3. $24\%$
  4. $40\%$
in Quantitative Aptitude edited by

1 Answer

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12 votes
Best answer

Answer should be $A$.

As given in question 

The contribution of each factor to the overall service quality is directly proportional to the factor score and its standardized coefficient.

So, $\text{contribution} \propto \text{factor score}\times \text{standardized coefficient}$

1. Contribution of outcome factor $= Q\times \text{factor score}\times \text{standardized coefficient}= Q\times 6\times 0.8$
$= 4.8 Q = 4.8$ $($Here, $Q$ the proportional constant assumed to be $1\ldots)$
2. Contribution of tangibles $= 5\times 0.4 =2$
3. Contribution of reliability $= 6\times 0.7= 4.2$
4. Contribution of responsiveness $=6\times 0.6= 3.6$
5. Contribution of empathy $= 4\times 0.6= 2.4$
6. Contribution of assurance $= 6\times 0.5= 3$

So, we can see here lowest contribution is "$2$"  and total contribution is "$4.8+2+4.2+3.6+2.4+3= 20$"

The lowest contribution among all the above factors to the overall quality of services delivered by the company $=\left(\dfrac {2}{20}\right)\times 100= 10 \%$

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 I have this doubt (might be silly but I am confused :/ ) that why are we calculating the total contribution? It is given that the 

contribution of each factor to overall service quality ∝factor score*standardized coefficient

So, Contribution of Tangible to overall service quality = 0.4*5=2

Then why isn't 2 the answer?

But as to make it little complicate they want the percentage of its contribution to the overall Quality of Service!

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