in Verbal Aptitude edited by
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The documents expose the cynicism of the government officials – and yet as the media website reflects, not a single newspaper has reported on their existence.

Which one of the following inferences may be drawn with the greatest accuracy from the above passage?

  1. Nobody other than the government officials knew about the existence of the documents.
  2. Newspapers did report about the documents but nobody cared.
  3. Media reports did not show the existence of the documents.
  4. The documents reveal the attitude of the government officials.
  • 🚩 Edit necessary | 👮 Arjun | 💬 “Needs better answer”
in Verbal Aptitude edited by
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3 Answers

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answer must be D according to me because  if  i check options  A is wrong bcz in the passage they did not mention who knows or who does not know about the existence  of document so  A will be wrong. B totally irrelevant from passage  and C is wrong bcz after reading the passage you got an idea  media is waiting once they got the information about  existence of document then they will  expose  them .. then remaining is D which is related to passage  so D will be answer according to me 

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  1. Nobody other than the government officials knew about the existence of the documents.
    In this case, the media website would not have got this information. So, this statement is probably false.
  2. Newspapers did report about the documents but nobody cared.
    This is false as it is mentioned in the passage “not a single newspaper has reported on their existence”.
  3. Media reports did not show the existence of the documents.
    This is false as “media website reflects” is given in the passage. 
  4. The documents reveal the attitude of the government officials.
    This is true as it is clearly mentioned in the passage “The documents expose the cynicism of the government officials“
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Explanation : The documents were known only to the government officials till the time of its publication on the media website but until then none of the newspapers has reported anything on their existence. Nothing is known of what the document reveals.


D should be the ans rt .. first line clearly mention it
The media has no proof of the document's existence so it cannot be said for sure what it reveals.

the media website reflects, not a single newspaper has reported on their existence.

means media website tells that no newspaper published, but media website knew


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