in Graph Theory
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In a Connected Planar Bipartite Graph of order 10 atmost how many edges be present ?
in Graph Theory

1 Answer

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From Euler Formula We know for connected graph having $v$ vertices ,$e$ edges,$f$ faces ,


In problem it is given ,


Given graph is bipartite , which implies The is no odd length cycle in the graph => There is no triangle in the graph => every face must bounded by at least 4 edges.

And we know that, degree summation of each face= $2*e$.

So we can write ,

    $4f <=2e$

or, $2f<=e$

or, $2(2+e-v)<=e$

or ,$4+2e-2v<=e$


Here it is given $v=10$

So, maximum number of edges possible , $2*10-4=16$

So ,Atmost 16 edges possible .

1 comment

We are considering here face bounded by atleast 4 edges,suppose if some graph contain 5 edge cycle then that graph also included.As bipartite graph not contain any odd length cycle we have to Discard all odd length cycle possibilities ?

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