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The negation of "Some students like hockey" is:

  1. Some students dislike hockey
  2. Every student dislike hockey
  3. Every student like hockey
  4. All students like hockey

(Option $1[39301]) 1$
(Option $2[39302]) 2$
(Option $3 [39303]) 3$
(Option $4[39304]) 4$

Answer Given by Candidate : $2$

in Others edited by

2 Answers

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This statement says that ATLEAST one student like hockey . so , the negation of this statement is EVERY student not like hockey . or we can say that it is not the case that some students like hockey. or every students dislike hockey . but , there may be problem in question  is that  predicate is missing ...
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Option B is the right answer.

This statement "Some students like hockey" means that there is at least one student who likes hockey.

To negate this statement, you would assert that it's not the case that at least one student likes hockey.

In other words, the negation means that no student likes hockey, or in more concise terms, "Every student dislikes hockey."

So, the negation is: "Every student dislikes hockey."

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