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In selective repeat ARQ, packet size is 2000 bytes transmission time for one packet is 1ms. If distance between hosts is 10km and signal speed is 4ms per km (4ms/km) and frame sequence number are 6 bit long in frame format then the throughput (in Mbps) is
in Computer Networks retagged by

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The Length of the packet = 2000B.

Transmission time (Tt) = 1ms

Tt = Length of Packet / Bandwidth

0.001 sec = 2000B / Bandwidth

Bandwidth = 2 x 10^6 B/sec = 2MB/sec = 16Mbps  [1B=8-bit]

Distance between hosts = 10km and signal speed is 4ms/km

So, total propagation time (Tp) = 10 km x 4ms /km = 40ms

As the protocol given is selective repeat ARQ, and we are given total 6-bits for frame sequence number. With 6 bits we can generate total 64 different combinations.

In Selective repeat ARQ the widow size of sender and receiver is equal.

So, Window size of receiver = Window size of Sender = 32


Efficiency = (Useful Time / Total Time) x (Window Size)

                  = {Tt / (Tt+2Tp)} x Ws

                  = (1ms / 1ms + 2x40ms) x 32

                  = (1/81)x32 = 0.395061

Throughput = Efficiency x Bandwidth

                      = 0.395061 x 16 Mbps = 6.320987 Mbps