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In a certain code language, 'A + B' means ' $A$ is the mother of $B$ ';
'A - $B$ ' means ' $A$ is the wife of $B$ ';
'A $A B$ ' means ' $A$ is the father of $B$ ' and
'A $\div B$ ' means ' $A$ is the sister of $B$ '.

Based on the above, how is $P$ related to $T$ if ' $P+Q-R \times S \div T$ '?

  1. Father's mother
  2. Mother's mother
  3. Mother's sister
  4. Father's sister
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P + Q – R X S ÷ T

P +Q → P is mother of Q
Q – R → Q is wife of R
R X S → R is father of S  => Q is mother of S

S ÷ T → S is sister of T => Q is mother of T and P is mother of Q
So, Ans : Mother’s mother. Option B.

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