in Other Colleges retagged by
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Hello.Can anybody tell me how to prepare for barc.There is no proper syllabus mentioned in their official website.Should i prepare gate syllabus only or something other than that is also required.IShould i prepare for java or c++ also .I have Isro Ppr for reference also.Any sort of help would be seriously appreciated.

in Other Colleges retagged by

1 Answer

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11 votes
Best answer

Based on the written test I attended last year, I would say
1. GATE syllabus
2. OOPS concepts of C++, JAVA- like polymorphism, multiple inheritance and other basic stuff,,
3. You can expect some questions from SE - as last year it was there..
No aptitude and NATs are there, fully technical paper only MCQ's.
Marking : +3/-1
Total : 100 questions
Time : 120 mInutes
So, keep an eye on the watch, as the time flies by fast.
The level of questions would be same as 1 Mark Questions of GATE.

There are multiple sessions in BARC.. And cutoff varies from session to session.. depending on the performance of people in a particular session..
To be safe get 65+ correct, without much negatives.. You should definitely be through to the interviews..
Anyways try to do as much as you can :)

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please tell us the last year cut offs for barc written exam
There are multiple sessions in BARC.. And cutoff varies from session to session.. depending on the performance of people in a particular session..

To be safe get 65+ correct, without much negatives.. You should definitely be through to the interviews..
Anyways try to do as much as you can :)
Does that means i can expect maths also to come??
Engineering Maths wasnt there much last year
Discrete mathematics - combinatorics, graph theory, set theory, etc were there

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